Thursday 30 May 2013


London was very wet. And very cold. And super awesome.
We had a very busy day and night.

We visited The Tower of London, Stu tried to play it cool but we did need to use the spare pair of undies we packed, just in case…

We boarded the HMAS Belfast, a retired WWII and Korean War war ship. Stu donned his Admiral’s hat and gallantly took control of the ship with the other men aboard. There was much eye rolling from the female crew. Fortunately a mutiny was avoided due to a surplus of Admiral’s hats.

We met Pete David at the Thomas Cubitt for a dinner prepared by Head Sous Chef Andrew Tardasian. Delicious. (Sorry Andrew, that’s just how you have to spell it)

Pete is as charming and clever as ever. Andrew is a loud and talented as ever, if a little paler. 

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